
Jelly | she/her | 25 | Ger


no fix schedule but always announced via Twitter

Commission TOS

Please note that the TOS might change
depending on what type of commissions
I am offering at the time.

ALL updated TOS can always be found on the official Google Forms page thats set up for taking commissions!

• I have the right to decline your commission request• You must be atleast 18 years old to commission me• There is a fix amount of slots, no first come first serve• One slot per person• These commissions are for personal use only (that means you cant redistribute it for commercial uses or resell it.)• Commissions will be charged upfront via Paypal Invoice and in Euro. PayPal does the currency conversion but you should check upfront if youre okay with the price.
-->Its also VERY IMPORTANT you choose the "goods and service" option (the option that tells you it'll put a little fee on me).
-->Also that no address will be needed
• Unless stated otherwise commissions will be completed within one month after payment is done• I am allowed to share the commission process during livestreams and upload the images on my twitter (commissioner always credited unless you want to stay anonymous)• I am allowed to display the commission as example
on future commission sheets
• You will receive a PayPal invoice after i first contacted you via Twitter DMs and we agreed to move on with the invoice :3• There will be no refunds after i started working on the commission• i will only be able to DM/reply to those people i chose to accept the Com from!

Examples & Info

"Chibi" Commissions

• The finished Commission will come with 2 files:
1 Flat color background (+ watermark) and
1 Transparent background
• One character per commission• File size will be around 2000x2000 pixel• !!!!! There will be no approval sketch, so make sure
you write down all the important things in the form
• !!!!! You must be okay with artistic freedom.• Complex characterdesigns will be simplified• I'm okay with masc and fem characters!
tho fem characters usually turn out best in my style
• Please provide a drawn or 3D character reference,
i wont work off text descriptions
• If you're using ingame models as character reference please provide a fullbody turnaround in neutral lighting• SFW and suggestive is fine. no NSFW

Examples & Info

"Jelly has to pay for a car and that shit is expensive"-Commissions!

These commissions are not my usual offer, my regular customers will notice slight differences in my TOS
other than that, art will look like usual!
• 150€ (Euro) fullbody commission• The finished Commission will come with 2 files:
1 Flat color background (+ watermark).PNG and
1 Transparent background .PNG
• One character per commission• File size will be around 2500x2500 pixel (usually bigger, as I start on a 3000x3000 canvas)• You will receive NO approval-sketch!• You must be okay with some level of artistic freedom.• there will be up to 20 slots. because of that, turn around time can be up to 3 months.• Please provide a drawn or 3D character reference
i wont work from text descriptions
• If you're using ingame models as character reference please provide a fullbody turnaround in neutral lighting• SFW and suggestive is fine. no Porn